Day14 - Elixir Processes
Today's topic of Dave's video course was 'Elixir Processes'. This post will summarize the really most important information on this.
What an Elixir Process is - and what it is not!
An Elixir process (as in Erlang and the ErlangVM) represents the basic element for concurrency as well as for state management. The ErlangVM is designed to run hundreds of thousands of such small processes at a time. So in contrast to an operating system process, a process in the ErlangVM has much less memory and CPU footprint. It's the BEAM's job to manage scheduling of these processes (e.g. when and for how long will a process be executed).
Hands-on: Let's build a Stack
The following snippets describe the most important functions to operate with processes in Elixir:
my_stack = spawn(Stack, :loop, [])
creates a new process which executes the given function with the given arguments of the given module. In this case we create a new process which runs the functionloop
(2nd parameter) from a module calledStack
(1st parameter) with no arguments (3rd parameter).send(my_stack, {:push, 5})
is used to send a message to a process. In this case we would send a tuple to ourmy_stack
A process can wait for incoming message using the
message. The incoming message will then be pattern matched as you can see in the following code snippet:
defmodule Stack do# We use a recursive loop function for state managing.# Within this loop we wait for messages from other processes.def loop(elements \\ []) do# print current stack elementsIO.inspect(elements)receive do# pattern 1: push a new element on the stack{:push, elem} ->loop([elem | elements])# pattern 1: pop the top element from the stack:pop ->loop(tl(elements))# pattern 3: remove all items in the stack:clear ->loop([])# pattern 4: wildcard - handle unknown messagesunknown_message ->IO.puts("ignoring unknown message '#{unknown_message}'")loop(elements)endendend# example usagestack = spawn(Stack, :loop, [])send(stack, {:push, 1})send(stack, {:push, 2})send(stack, :pop)send(stack, {:push, 3})send(stack, :pop)
Guys it's late, tomorrow I'll tell you more on that stuff :-)
See you then, bye!