It's been a long time ...

08/29/20191 Min Read — In Update

... since my last blog post. What was going on?

There were a lot of things in the last time going on, for example, I

  • finished my time in my last business phase station
  • started my Masterpiece project
  • supported to set up a (company internal) testing guild
  • just came back from SoCrates in Soltau, Germany
  • ...

Is that an excuse? No, it's more the reasons why I let blogging slide. However, there would be so much to report (just see the list above). I think it's time to set my focus and thus I will report more about my upcoming (and also last) weeks as Apprentice. Even though this is just a short blog post, it was time to write again. But for now it's time to prepare the presentation Lewis and I will hold tomorrow about the SoCraTes for our IT colleagues.

I will also share my experiences about the SoCraTes in a blog post soon.
