Option vs Either (Part 3)

06/26/20193 Min Read — In SoftwareDesign, Refactoring

This post is the last one of the Option vs Either trilogy. In the first post, I introduced the Option type and why it should be used over null. In the second post, I introduced the Either type and showed how it can be used, for example, to define a uniform return value for two distinct object types. This post explains the motivation why Lewis and I decided to refactor some Scala functions from return type Option to Either.

Option[A] and Either[A,B] - how do they relate to each other?

Let's create a function called div which divides a given dividend a by a divisor b. This function could be defined as follows:

// return type: Int - throws a runtime exception if the divisor is 0
def div(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
a / b

Usually, we don't want to handle error cases with exceptions, especially in functional programming. (Note to myself: The 'why' could be a nice topic for another blog post.)

For this reason, let's redefine our div function and return an Option instead of Int in order to avoid exceptions. The code for this is also straightforward: If the given divisor b is 0, then we return None, otherwise, we return Some(quotient).

// return type: Option[Int] - returns None if the divisor is 0
def div(a: Int, b: Int): Option[Int] =
if (b == 0) None else (a / b)

Let's redefine our div function one last time to make it return an Either[String, Int]. In this case, if the given divisor is 0, we return a Left object with the error message "Division by zero is not allowed"*, or a Right object wrapping the quotient.

// return type: Either[String, Int] - returns Left(errorMessage) if the divisor is 0
def div(a: Int, b: Int): Either[String, Int] =
if (b == 0) Left("Division by zero is not allowed") else Right(a / b)

Prima facie, the Option and Either version seem very similar, but there is a notable difference: When a function returns None, all you know is that no result value is defined, but you are not told the reason. In our example, it is pretty obvious what None means (namely division by zero), but there are a lot of situations which are not that obvious.

*You want to understand why division by zero is not allowed? Just ask Siri: "Hey Siri, was ist 0 geteilt durch 0" and you'll receive a brilliant explanation😂

Refactoring from Option[A] to Either[A, B]

When Lewis and I started our refactoring session, we had code that was roughly structured like shown as follows. We had a somehow generic parseContent function which dispatched the content to parse as well as someMoreInfo to a specific parse function depending on the contentType. The parseContent function returned an Option with Some(parsedResult) or None if the content parsing failed. In case the content type is not supported, a warning message was logged.

def parseContent(content: String, contentType: String, someMoreInfo: MoreInfo): Option[ParsedResult] = {
contentType match {
case "html" =>
parseHtmlStuff(content, someMoreInfo)
case "xml" =>
parseXmlStuff(content, someMoreInfo)
case "xyz =>
parseXyzStuff(content, someMoreInfo)
case notSupported =>
logger.warn(s"Content type '$notSupported' is not supported")

In the following snippet, you see an example of how the parseContent function from above was used before. We received our content to parse as well as some additional information. When the parsing succeeds, an info message is logged, otherwise, we log a warning message.

val (content, contentType, someMoreInfo) = getAllTheStuffWeNeedToParse()
parseContent(content, contentType, someMoreInfo) match {
case Some(parsedResult) =>
logger.info("Cool, it worked!")
case None =>
logger.warn("Oops, it seems that something went wrong")

The following snippet shows how parseHtmlStuff works. (The other parsing functions roughly looked the same.)

def parseHtmlStuff(html: String, someMoreInfo: MoreInfo): Option[ParsedResult] = {
if (…) {
logger.warn("content is not a valid html format")
} else if (…) {
// 'someMoreInfo' is only passed for logging reasons :-/ …
logger.warn("parsing failed because of …. Some more info: " + someMoreInfo)
} else {

There were two things that bothered us about these parsing functions:

  1. The parsing functions themselves logged warning or error messages.
  2. We passed someMoreInfo to the parser functions only for logging reasons.

So we decided to refactor the return type: Instead of returning an Option[ParsedResult] and doing the logging in the parser functions, we decided to change the function's return type to Either[String, ParsedResult], where Left contains the reason why the parsing failed, and Right represents the successfully parsed result. And there are a lot of things which can go wrong when parsing data (invalid data format, missing elements, …, you name it)! The type parameters String and ParsedResult for the Either return type are also a perfect example of two types which do not relate to each other directly (i.e. no common superclass except Any). Using Either instead of Option was exactly what helped us to solve the two problems discussed above:

  1. If the parsing operation succeeds, we can return a Right object which wraps the parsed data. In case the parsing operation fails, we were now able to return a specific error message for a specific parsing failure as a Left result. By returning the error message in case of a failure, the parsing functions no longer have to log the messages themselves.
  2. We no longer had to pass someMoreInfo to the parser functions for logging reasons, since the 'outer' layer could do just append the someMoreInfo to the Left error message. The outer layer, in this case, was a function which calls the function parseContent. Only the outermost layer now logs a given error message.

Our code base was much more complex than the example I described here and so the refactoring took us quite some time. (In addition to that, we also had to fix the tests which did not compile anymore.) At the end, when all this refactoring stuff was done, we were really happy to see the final result 😃

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